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Will Wiles, Plume
Talks and lectures

RIBA Book Club: Architecture as Fiction

This session of the RIBA Book Club will explore the meeting point between fiction and architecture. It features two novelists in conversation with RIBAJ Editor Hugh Pearman, Shiromi Pinto and Will Wiles, who both seek inspiration from architecture and architectural culture.

  • today 29 November 2019, 1pm to 2pm
  • place
  • receipt £5-£10

This session of RIBA Book Club will explore the meeting point between fiction and architecture. It features two novelists in conversation with RIBAJ Editor Hugh Pearman, Shiromi Pinto and Will Wiles, who both seek inspiration from architecture and architectural culture.

Shiromi Pinto’s latest book Plastic Emotions is inspired by the life of Sri Lankan modernist architect Minnette de Silva and her affair with Le Corbusier.

Will Wiles is an architecture and design writer, and a RIBAJ columnist. He is the author of three acclaimed novels, Care of Wooden Floors, The Way Inn and Plume, that all draw on acute architectural and wry personal observation.

As an attendee of this event you will be able to purchase:

Shiromi Pinto, Plastic Emotions, Influx Press

Will Wiles, Plume, 4th Estate