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Education, CPD and careers

Since 1834, RIBA has been committed to setting standards in architecture, both in the education of architecture students and the continuing professional development of architects. The Way Ahead is RIBA’s Education and Professional Development Framework which maps the different stages of career development and their level of responsibility.

In education, RIBA is a global organisation representing over 23,500 student members and 52,000 members around the world. We validate over 230 architectural programmes at over 120 schools of architecture around the world, preparing students for professional practice.

We support architecture students through our suite of scholarships and bursaries and award excellence through the – RIBA’s oldest awards which are regarded as the most prestigious prizes for architecture students in the world.

Whether you decide to become an architect or explore a career in wider disciplines, there are university courses, RIBA’s own RIBA Studio examination programme, degree apprenticeships and collaborative practice models available, to fit your style of learning.

of RIBA President Muyiwa Oki talking about his career so far.

Past President Simon Allford explains 'architecture's skills for life' in a  from May 2023:

"I have been keen to promote the connection of the RIBA membership with those who have studied architecture for Part 1 and/or 2 - and even 3 but gone on to work in other fields, ranging from film to construction, Artificial Intelligence to finance and many more. So many of these people will tell me that the culture, craft and discipline of architecture is core to their thinking. It has given them the skills to analyse situations and contexts, identify opportunities and to put forward creative solutions.'

If you’re new to the industry, see our become an architect page for guidance on education, training and study options. Architecture is always evolving - get inspired through our learning workshops for all ages, or keep up to speed with professional CPD – check out the What’s On page and .

Find me a job

Visit the RIBA Job board for career-changing roles from across the UK and overseas

Membership and accreditation

Explore our range of memberships and accreditation available for architects at every stage of their career as well as related professionals

Get in touch

For questions about Education and Learning, please contact us.

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