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RIBA Education White Paper

This white paper outlines the problems facing architecture students today and provides clear steps that should be taken to recruit and maintain a competent, skilled, and diverse pipeline.

The architecture profession faces unprecedented challenges and both education and practice have a key role in addressing these societal, economic, and environmental issues. Education and practice are the cornerstones of the Royal Institute of British Architects, uniquely placing us to provide insights into how the sector can, and should, adapt.

This white paper outlines the problems facing architecture students today and provides clear steps that should be taken to recruit and maintain a competent, skilled, and diverse pipeline.

These ideas will be discussed at the forthcoming RIBA Education and Practice Interface Away Day Interface on 18 January 2023. This is an opportunity to hear voices from across the sector and consider concerns and insights about the interface between architecture education and practice. It will allow attendees to collectively strategise, enabling new ideas to emerge and connections to be formed.

We are committed to sharing our expertise with the (ARB), education providers, practice, and government so that together we can create a system that works for all.

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