The guidance below covers exporting services from the UK to the EU, including procurement. If you are planning on providing services to the EU, the RIBA has also outlined guidance relating to the recognition of professional qualifications and travelling between the UK and EU. If you cannot find the information you are looking for below, please check .
This UK Government notice outlines areas which will change on the provision of services from the UK to the EEA and the EFTA, including cross-border trade regulations, the establishment of a business, VAT and data protection.
This UK Government notice provides country-by-country guidance on the provision of services from the UK to the EEA and EFTA countries.
This European Commission checklist outlines considerations that should be made by UK businesses undertaking activity in the EU.
This European Commission guidance outlines considerations that should be made by businesses buying from, selling to or moving goods through the UK.
The UK is signed up to the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) through its membership of the EU. The UK Government has stated that it expects to join the GPA on substantially the same terms after withdrawal as before, but this may take up to 30 days after. This UK Government notice outlines its position on membership of the GPA.
This notice outlines advice for public authorities, businesses and other organisations relating to changes that will arise to public procurement.