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RSAW Review of the Year 2018

The Royal Society of Architects in Wales (RSAW) has published its Review of the Year 2018.

22 February 2019

The Royal Society of Architects in Wales (RSAW) has published its Review of the Year 2018. The document highlights key events and initiatives including the publication of a new book 'The Architecture of Wales from the first to the twenty-first century' and the 25th anniversary conference in November, which attracted 160 delegates.

Facts and figures remind readers that RSAW recorded 700 attendances at events in 17 locations across Wales in 2018, where between 82 and 84% of registered architects are RIBA-RSAW members. Looking ahead to 2019, the Review invites members to ‘save the date’ for the RSAW AGM on 6 June at Oriel Davies, Newtown, the Portmeirion Summer School on 5 July and the Annual Conference on 29 November.

Read the report or request a print copy from rsaw@riba.org.

Mae Cymdeithas Frenhinol Penseiri yng Nghymru wedi cyhoeddi eu Golwg ar y Flwyddyn 2018. Mae'r ddogfen yn tynnu sylw at ddigwyddiadau a mentrau allweddol fel cyhoeddiad llyfr newydd 'The Architecture of Wales from the first to the twenty-first century' a’r 25ain Gynhadledd Flynyddol ym mis Tachwedd, a denodd 160 o gynadleddwyr.

Mae ffeithiau a ffigurau yn atgoffa’r ddarllenwyr fod RSAW wedi cofnodi 700 o fynychiadau at ddigwyddiadau dros 17 o leoliadau ledled Cymru yn 2018, lle mae rhwng 82 a 84% o benseiri cofrestredig yn aelodau RIBA-RSAW. Gan edrych ymlaen i 2019, mae'r Adolygiad yn gwahodd aelodau i ‘achub y dyddiad’ ar gyfer AGM y Gymdeithas ar 6 Mehefin yn Oriel Davies, Y Drenewydd, Ysgol Portmeirion yr Haf ar 5 Gorffennaf a'r Gynhadledd Flynyddol ar 29 Tachwedd.

Darllenwch yr adolygiad  neu gofynnwch am gopi bapur gan gysylltu â rsaw@riba.org.

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