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​CF Møller
Competition | Past

​South West London and St George's Mental Health NHS Trust

To redevelop the Victorian Springfield Hospital site into a modern mental health facility, bringing exception design and innovative sustainability that will fit the needs of patients, carers, service users and staff

Invited Education and Health

CF Møller were the winners of a Competitive Interview for the South West London and St George’s Mental Health NHS Trust.

They will now work with the Trust to develop the design for the new inpatient and related accommodation to be developed on the Springfield Site in Wandsworth, London.

Peter Molyneux, Chair of SWLSTG said:

"We have always been clear that our overriding motivation in pursuing this project is our duty of care to the people we serve.I want to reiterate our commitment to work with local partners and stakeholders in delivering a landmark development, combining both the quality of health facilities which we all expect for our families and friends and lasting benefits for the community.

We will begin a process of engagement after the summer holiday period, to ensure that as many local people as possible can take part and share their views as the regeneration programme moves forward."

"Working with RIBA competitions was a great experience. It gave us access to the full breadth and depth of the world of international architecture, resulting in a shortlist which included some of the best architecture practices in the world. What a wonderful choice to get to grips with! Thank to the RIBA." Andrew Simpson, Programme Director, South West London and St George's Mental Health NHS Trust

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