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Kings College

​Hall McKnight
Competition | Past

​King's College London

The redevelopment of the Strand Campus Quadrangle Building and associated areas for King’s College London. The Quad project will provide an additional 3,700 square metres of teaching space and student facilities.

Invited Education and Health

Hall McKnight won the competition to redevelop the Quadrangle at King’s College London’s historic Strand Campus.

The Strand Campus at King’s College London provides teaching and social space for some 9,000 students and 1,500 staff. The campus is home to the College’s Schools of Arts & Humanities, Social Science & Public Policy, Natural & Mathematical Sciences, Dickson Poon School of Law and Global Institutes & Centres.

Ian Caldwell, Director of Estates & Facilities at King’s, said:

"Hall McKnight had undertaken an impressive analysis of the site and presented a clear philosophy. By uncovering layers of the past, the architects showed a real engagement with the history of the buildings surrounding the Quad. The competition jury panel was impressed with Hall McKnight’s passion, intelligence, strategic sense and communicative ability.
I am confident that Hall McKnight will develop a detailed design and create an innovative learning and social space for King’s students, staff and the wider community."

The proposal seeks to engage with the history of the site to produce a project that enhances the setting of the existing listed buildings, whilst establishing a strong, distinct character to the Quadrangle as the focus of the campus. The planning and listed building consent applications were submitted in early December 2014.

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